20 Touching Farewell Messages to Colleagues in Office

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Touching Farewell Messages to Colleagues in Office
Reading Time: 11 minutes

Saying goodbye to someone with whom you have developed a meaningful bond is never an easy job for anyone. We often struggle to find the right words to convey the bundle of emotions that we feel. Saying goodbye to an awesome colleague for a new job is an occasion that we are going to face several times in our lives. Sending them off with the right words is the least we can do to let them know the value they hold in our life.


The farewell message shows that you valued your colleagues and also helps you to continue your personal and professional relationships. When you have spent considerable time working together in the company, a farewell message is a gracious way to conclude the association and set the foundation for future possibilities.


In this blog, we will look at the details of a farewell message to a colleague.


What is a Farewell Messages to a Colleague?

Farewell messages for colleagues are an expression of gratitude towards the time you spent together and a celebration of their achievements. Bidding goodbye to your favourite teammate can be very difficult.


The wave of emotions that we feel to let go of people we developed a bond with often makes expressing the same in words difficult. You may have plenty of things you want to talk about but you need to concentrate on the relevant things and keep it well-balanced between formal and friendly.


20 Best Farewell Messages to Colleagues in Office

1. “Although we hate to say goodbye while you are leaving the company, we’re excited for the next, new chapter of your journey. Thank you for everything you’ve contributed to our team, and we wish you all the best in your next job and future endeavours!”


2. “It’s been a pleasure working with you, and we’ll miss working with your positive attitude and can-do spirit. Good luck in your new venture, and please keep in touch!”


3. “You’ve been an integral part of our team over past years, and we’re grateful for your hard work and dedication. We’ll miss your contributions, but we know you’ll continue to thrive in whatever you do next. Best of luck!”


4. “You’ve left an indelible mark on our team, and we’re going to miss great memories we share. Please know that you’ll always have a place here, and we’re excited to see what amazing things you’ll accomplish in the future. Best Wishes!”


5. “We’re sad to see you go, but we’re grateful for the time we’ve had together. You’ve been an incredible colleague and a great friend, and we wish you good luck and all the success in the world. Please keep in touch!”


6. “It’s not goodbye, we will stay in touch. We know you’ll go on to be great leaders and do amazing things, and we can’t wait to see what the glorious future holds for you. Good luck!”


7. “Although we’re sad to see you leave, we wish you good luck as we are excited for the next adventure in the next phase of your life. You’ve been an invaluable member of our team, and we’ll always remember the impact you made on us.”


8. “We’re going to miss your infectious energy and positivity around the office. Thank you for being a shining light in our workday, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours!”


9. “As you move on to new challenges and opportunities, remember that you’ll always have a special place in our hearts. Your contributions to our team will never be forgotten, and we’re excited to see where life takes you next.”


10. “Your time with us may be coming to an end, but the memories and experiences we’ve shared together will last a lifetime. Thank you for making our workdays brighter, and we wish you nothing but continued success and happiness in the future.”


11. “Your time with us may be coming to an end, but the memories we’ve shared will last a lifetime. Thank you for being a valued member of our team and for making a difference in the lives of those around you. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!”


12. “As we say goodbye, we’re reminded of all the wonderful moments we’ve shared together over the years. We’re going to miss your creativity, passion, and positive spirit, but we’re excited to see all the amazing things you’ll achieve in the future. Keep in touch!”


13. “We’ve been fortunate to have you as a colleague and friend, and we’ll always cherish the memories we’ve created together. Your future is full of endless possibilities, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next. Best of luck and farewell!”


14. “As say goodbye, we want to thank you for your hard work, dedication, and positive attitude over the years. You’ve been an integral part of our team, and we know that you’ll continue to thrive in your new position and whatever you do next. Wishing you all the good luck!”


15. “Your contributions to our team over the years have been immeasurable, and we’re grateful for the memories we’ve created together. We know that the future holds many exciting opportunities and new challenge for you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve. Farewell and good luck!”


16. “As we say farewell to you, we’re reminded of all the wonderful and fun memories that we’ve created together over the years. We’re sad to see you go, but we’re excited to see where life takes you next. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and wish you good luck in your future endeavours!”


17. “Your contributions to our team over the years have been invaluable, and we’re grateful for all the memories we’ve created together. As you embark on a new journey, we’re excited to see where your talents and passions take you next. Best of luck!”


18. “It’s been an absolute pleasure working alongside you and creating unforgettable memories that we’ll always cherish. We know that your future is bright and full of exciting opportunities and endless possibilities, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish at your dream job. Farewell and good luck for your new position!”


19. “As we bid you farewell, we’re grateful for the memories we’ve shared and the positive impression you’ve made on our team. We know that you have a bright future ahead, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll accomplish moving forward. Best wishes for next stage of your life!”


20. “Thank you for being an integral part of our team and creating countless memories and awesome colleagues over past few years. We’ll miss your positive energy and infectious smile and work ethic but we know that you’ll continue to make a difference wherever you go. Good luck on your next adventure!”


Importance of Farewell Messages for Colleagues

Your farewell message is important for your colleagues as it shows the value you hold towards the contribution they make at work. Everyone wants to do their best at work and a little appreciation goes a long way.


It’s crucial to write touching farewell messages to colleagues as they are going to start a new job the message helps to boost their morale. It can also give them confidence in their abilities and a reminder of their achievement.


A farewell message is also good for your colleague’s ability to form good interpersonal relationships at their workplace. Everyone hesitates to talk to new people but your farewell message will serve as proof of a great colleague and the wonderful person that they are. That gives them the courage to seek the same team-building spirit from the first day and shorten the curve to bond with their team members faster.


That makes it essential that you try to write a farewell message to a colleague, and here are some tips for you to do the same.


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Tips for the Right Farewell Message

The ideal farewell message to a colleague should be the right mix of the experiences in the past such as challenges, helping hands, and achievements. The message should also express your wishes and hopes for their future. Here is how to write farewell messages so you get it right.


1. Express Gratitude

Gratitude is the first thing to do when it comes to farewell messages. Especially if this is a person you worked directly with. Tell them you are extremely lucky to work in a close association with them for a long time and you have a lot to thank them for.


With the global work culture we have today, a farewell message may be your last chance to formally express the gratitude you feel towards your coworker. It’s essential to make the most of it.


2. Stay Positive

When you are writing a farewell to your coworker, even if they are the ones you didn’t get along with much, ensure to focus on the positives. It’s better not to write a farewell note to your departing colleague if you put in only negative experiences there.


Every team works on different dynamics and as an individual, not everyone can get along with everyone. But in the organization, each employee has a role to play and contributing to the productivity of everyone is important for a company to thrive.


The bottom line is if you don’t have any fond memories with the leaving colleague you should talk about their work and how important they are to the team. Talk about their professional life such as decision making skills, strategic thinking or their contribution to company culture and more.


3. Share Contact Details

The employment-related contact information is temporary and may be difficult for them to contact you using the same a few years down the line. If you are looking forward to staying connected with them for years in future, you must share personal contact information.


Share your personal email address and phone number so that they can contact you in the future. In addition to that sharing contact information on your own communicates that you want them to stay connected so, they feel free to contact you.


4. Keep it Short

When you want to bid farewell to your dear friend or colleague and want to wish them best wishes and luck you also need to be considerate of others.


Especially in gatherings where you are delivering a speech where many others waiting to do the same. We have a tendency to flow with feelings and before we know it, we have eaten up a lot of time.


So when it comes to farewell messages for colleagues keep in mind that your words mean a lot but you also have to make them short. Many times when people say so much their words lose the weight and impact they intend to.


Be clear on what you want to talk about and say it in precise words. Even with the written messages if you go on writing so much, the reader may lose interest in what you want to tell them.


5. Make it About Them

When it comes to farewell messages for your colleague you have to keep in mind that you are celebrating their journey with you or your team. So ensure that you don’t make it about you or the entire team.


Always keep sweet memories of the departing coworker at the centre of focus. Talk about their role in the event or memories that you want to talk about.


As you all share a good working relationship and share all the experiences that happen in the workplace. It’s also very obvious that there are other people at the events and you have to mention them.


The bottom line is, to talk about how they helped to make your office a fun place to work instead of reminding them how you made the place fun for them.


6. Personalize

The best farewell messages are those that are relevant and easy to relate to. As the farewell messages are about showing your love and appreciation the best way to do that is to recall good memories.


That shows that they hold a special value in your life and they made a positive impact. That is another way to say that they will be missed and it’s not easy for you to let them go.


7. Consider the Bond

When we spend enough time with people we get attached to them. But close is the bond that we develop depends on the quality of time and experiences we share over time.


So when it comes to how much work you should use or how to deliver your farewell message to colleagues you need to consider the bond that you two share. Below are a few ways through which you can share your farewell message for a colleague.


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Ways to Make it Special

➔ Face to face

When it comes to saying goodbye to people you like it’s best done in a face-to-face meeting. In corporate life, you meet and form a bond with your colleague through face-to-face interactions. So it makes sense to have your last conversation related to the workplace in person too.


Saying goodbye to your colleague in person makes it more personal for both of you. You are likely to feel a little emotional and that’s a sign of the deep bond you developed. Don’t hesitate to show that it affects you that they are leaving a workplace and that you care about them.


➔ Drop a message

A text message can be a great goodbye message too when you don’t think it’s possible to meet your colleague on their last day of work. Maybe you are not feeling well enough to go to the office, you are working from different locations or you are on a leave for some reason. Anyways it is important to conclude a beautiful journey with a perfect farewell message for a colleague.


Here are a few ways that you can use to convey your farewell message to them

  • Write a short handwritten farewell letter to them. It will make them feel special.
  • You can also send them a short video recording of your message. That way you can keep it personal and make it beautiful.
  • If you want to keep simple and still have some amount of formal touch, go for an email. You can also drop them a personal email as the memories you share are personal and they don’t have to go through the official medium.


➔ Organize a Party

It’s most likely your last day together and organizing a farewell party for a great employee or colleague you spent such a long time together makes sense. It is worth taking out a particular piece of time away from work responsibilities so you can revisit the moments that hold value for you.


A farewell party for your colleague doesn’t have to be a big flashy event. You can simply coordinate with your teammates to gather in some suitable area in your office to celebrate the journey of your departing colleague with a simple cake-cutting ceremony.


If possible with your budget and schedule you can also go somewhere nice to celebrate your colleague’s journey. Whatever the style and size of the event, make it memorable.


➔ Use a Card or a Gift

It’s a great idea to gift your colleague something to remind them of you. Farewell messages are important and written words do a specific impact on the minds but a farewell message to colleague doesn’t always have to be a handwritten note on a piece of paper.


There are many situations where you can’t draft the essential farewell messages on your own, maybe you try your best but didn’t find the right words. Or you find it easy to find a greeting card which can express exactly what you want to say.


Touching farewell messages to colleagues or greeting cards will also stray with them for a long time as physical evidence of all the support, value and respect you have for them.


The same goes for the gifts you can always get your wishes and messages printed on something that they will see or use every day. You just need to ensure that it says all the right things you want to tell them.


➔ Share the Excitement

Parting ways with your wonderful colleague does not always have to be full of sadness. It’s best to maintain the balance between the sadness you feel and happiness for all the success they are going to achieve. People are always looking for better opportunities so you need to wish the all the luck for their dream job.


It feels good to share the things you are excited about with people around you. It will make them feel amazing to know that these people are also equally happy for ther exciting opportunity and the new adventure.


So show them amazing support and best wishes for their next chapter with new job, new company, awesome salary, and new coworkers with proper goodbye message.


ensure that you mention how happy you are that your colleague is going to places and look forward to their successful new job role. People always remember those who believe in them. Sharing your faith and excitement about their successful future professional journey helps to make that next position of yours memorable for them.


➔ Make them feel Appreciated

Every one craves to get recognition and appreciation for the effort they put into the work. It is a sad reality though that most companies fail to recognize the work of their employees. People are always leaving the company for a new job at some point and are always moving forward.


That makes recognition given by your colleagues is equally important. The best farewell message to colleagues shows the recognition for their work. When you say goodbye it is also the last official or formal communication that you are going to have with them before they start next chapter at new company. It makes sense to say goodbye with all the love and appreciation you hold in your heart for them and wish them best of luck.


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