Employee Engagement: Why it is the need of hour?

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Employee Engagement
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What is Employee engagement?

The practice of employee engagement and management is all about employee retention. The main objective is to keep the workfiorce engaged and motivated for challenges.

Major activities under employee engagement include:

  • Employee empowerment
  • Self-service
  • Training management
  • Workplace culture
  • Appraisals, etc.


Employee engagement is a common concern for businesses across the nation and is undoubtedly a challenging thing for leaders and business managers in the future. Nevertheless, with the recent uproar of ‘Startup India Standup India’ campaigns that have been taking the nation by storm. Employee engagement has taken a centre stage for businesses to skyrocket and attain new heights.


With a highly engaged workforce, rewards are certainly good for a company. Alas, the consequences are lethal with a disengaged workforce. It directly affects the growth of a company. Competitors of a company with a disengaged workforce can outstrip it easily. Higher staff turnover rate is one of the biggest side effects of having a disengaged workforce. Employees put in fewer efforts than required to get them through the day eventually costing dearly to the company.


For an organization with an engaged workforce, the rewards are rich and plentiful. Businesses with engaged workforce grow up to three times faster compared to their competitors.


Every organization approaches employee engagement differently. The good news is that it has become an essential workplace strategy. This is because of the fact that increasing employee disengagement is the common underlying cause behind a range of workplace problems that companies encounter.


1. An employee focusing on delivering above average results rather than minimum acceptable level impacts at the team level greatly. Aggregate this across an organization and the effect multiplies. Each employee’s engagement reinforces the actions of others. The result: a workforce culture generating significant competitive advantage.


2. Creating this culture of engagement though might sound a complex thing, but if executed with the right plan and strategy, it can be successful. Business managers and leaders ought to ensure to provide their employees with the right set of resources and tools to execute their tasks to drive collaboration.


3. Most important of all is empowering employees with tools to help share data and give them the information they need to do their jobs and the freedom to apply their discretionary efforts. Legacy HR tools are turning futile and thus, it is the need of the hour for companies and businesses to embrace novel and cutting-edge employee management and engagement tools.


4. With the advent of innovative technologies like cloud computing, employee engagement has turned a lot easier and seamless than before saving entrepreneurs and HR managers a huge deal of time, effort, and money. Cloud-based HR and employee management system work great when it comes to foster a highly integrated and connected workforce.


To know more about how to improve employee engagement with a cloud-based HR management system, contact us. You can also mail at sales@pockethrms.com for quick demo and consultation.


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