5 Key Roles That Will Drive The Next-Gen HR Departments

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Next-Gen HR Departments
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Today, it is important for every company to be employee-centric. After all, it is the employees, who make a company great and successful.

In an era where talent is turning out to be the hottest asset, as such individuals today have more prowess and tact to influence a company’s culture. This has triggered a much-needed upheaval in the human resources space, since HR personnel are increasingly being asked to navigate novel technologies, manage expectations of employees and make sure that the company breeds a content and productive workforce.

The next-gen HR departments will prefer specialization compared to adhering to the age-old approach of one-size fits all. Thus, the responsibilities handled by HR manager and his/her small pack of comrades would now be scattered across a diverse breed of experts.

Here are five most powerful and key roles that will drive the next-gen HR departments:

     1. Employee Engagement Specialist

Thankfully, an increasing number of businesses are shunning the archaic practices of measuring and assessing employee engagement, happiness and performance. Thanks to automated performance appraisal system, HR managers can now have real-time and instant insights into workforce performance. No need to rely on annual performance review sessions. Human resources department of the future would require employee management specialists with a good grip on such software, who will be responsible to bridging the gap between leaders and employees. Such a person will have to run frequent surveys and gather feedbacks to assess the happiness and health of employees.

     2. Director of Learning

Successful organisations constantly endeavour to spruce up their workforce through skill development and training. Director of Learning will play a pivotal role in steering learning and development for the employees. Often, training programs are infamous for being dull, unengaging and sluggish. The role would require someone, who understands this well and accordingly devises learning and training programs that are fun, inspiring and beneficial.

     3. Talent Manager

Whilst talent recruitment may fall on the shoulders of a recruitment executive or manager, a dedicated talent manager will be handy when it comes to recruiting for specific industry verticals. Talent manager will have to develop and maintain strong relationships with leading recruitment firms whilst having sound affiliations with industry communities as well. The role will require someone, who will find out transformative and cutting-edge trends in the talent market, in-demand skillsets, salary expectations, etc. This is how HR can hire for IT companies of future.

     4. Mind-set Trainer

Overworked employees are the unhappy ones. This is the reason why companies have wellness programs in place to keep its people focused, healthy and happy. Mind-set trainer will devise programs to ensure that employees develop and follow healthy habits in their daily routine.  Wellness program will include stress management, therapy practices, work-life balance tricks, etc. Here, the mind-set trainer will have to work in tandem with the employee engagement manager to devise interactive methods to encourage optimum participation. The trainer would also have to lookout for signs an employee is burnt out.

     5. Diversity Officer

Studies have consistently been proving that a diverse workforce leads to a successful organisation. This includes having people from all backgrounds, whether skillset, race or gender. A diversity officer will ensure that the workforce composes a sound mix of talents from various walks of life. Further, the diversity officer will work collaborate with employee engagement manager and director of learning for creating training programs that will strengthen understanding between various types of teams and people.

Exciting times ahead for HR

The way tech trends are influencing how organisations execute key business operations may bring in several exciting changes to the conventional workforce management. A specialized treatment to human resources will eradicate all kinds of archaic perceptions. As such, HR will no longer be referred to as a bootless department. Instead, it will drive and focus more towards nurturing a positive work culture and environment for both leaders and employees.

To know how technology can provide a competitive edge to your HR team contact us. You can also give us a shout-out at Twitter and Facebook or drop a mail at sales@pockethrms.com.


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