Mobile Apps: The Next Big Thing in HR Technology

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Mobile Apps
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According to HR tech pundits and analysts, smartphone apps are the next big thing for human resources technology. Mobile apps that bestow businesses with the liberty to provide online training, manage employees and boost productivity are set to become a frontier in the human resources technology. Yes, we are in for a disruptive trend in the HR tech space.


Over the last few years, a whopping number of businesses both small as well as big are moving their HR operations to cloud for the various benefits it offers. In fact, the HR tech space is in a way is reinventing itself, as mobile apps developed today work a lot like productivity tools than conventional HR technology.


Here’s why mobile apps would be the frontier for human resources technology:


     1. Learning on the go

Yes, mobile learning is one of the fast catching trend in the HR tech arena with more and more number of businesses opting to replace conventional training coursework with tools that facilitate employees to learn in a more convenient and natural way.


On one hand, where conventional training is too slow for people to adapt, is outdated quickly and fails to evolve quickly to meet the growing and changing requisites of businesses. On the other hand, mobile learning tools allow employees to share their proficiency and learn through short videos as well as allow them to choose the pace of training.


     2. Mobile performance management

Gone are the days of traditional annual or yearly appraisals and reviews. This is because an increasing number of companies are opting for performance appraisal system or mobile apps that allow managers and employees to provide and receive continuous feedbacks/reviews on the run.


In fact, a growing number of businesses are leveraging the power of mobile apps to carry out pulse surveys of their staff that enable the employees to fetch feedbacks from their managers and peers for a job well done.


     3. Culture driver

Many businesses are showing a growing penchant towards utilizing mobile tools for gauging the culture of their organizations. There are mobile apps that help companies solicit answers and feedbacks about the workplace, freedom at work, safety at workplace, collaboration, etc. to help evaluate the organization’s overall work culture.



We are not far from the day when all the employee interactions would happen on mobile phones. HR would be or rather we should say are already tracking employee attendance/time on their fingertips, processing salaries through mobile payroll apps and lot more.


To know how a mobile app can change the lives of HR, contact us. You can also give us a shout-out at Twitter and Facebook or write to us at


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