Interview Reminder Email Template

Get our interview reminder email template to ensure that candidates don’t miss the interview.




When it comes to the interview, a lot of planning and coordination are required to make it successful. It has to be properly scheduled to get the hiring manager to be available for an interview on time. It is equally necessary to ensure the presence of the candidate too, otherwise, all the planning will be fruitless. The interview reminder email is now a permanent part of the hiring process. This is why companies are constantly looking for an interview reminder email template.



What is an interview reminder email?


The interview reminder email is the message organizations have to send the candidate to make sure your appointment for a job interview won’t be forgotten. An applicant may not always be waiting for an interview reminder email, so they can attend it. But reminding about the interview is important as candidates often apply for multiple jobs and there are chances that they forget about one or two. Also, an interview reminder email makes your “we’re looking forward to meeting you” more meaningful.



Why do you need an interview reminder email?


As mentioned above, the interview reminder email is simply sent to remind people about the scheduled interview. In the competitive talent market, it is very costly to miss a good candidate that can be the right fit for the role. The remainder email makes sure that does not happen.



What should be parts of the interview reminder email template?


If you are wondering how to compose and make your interview reminder email template impactful, here are a few elements that must be included.



Subject line

It is not enough to send the interview reminder email, the subject line must clearly mention that it is bout a job they have applied for, so they will open it. Otherwise, it might get buried under promotional emails.




The name of the position for which the job interview is scheduled should be clearly stated. If you skip this and there is confusion or misunderstanding about the same, you might end up wasting time on the wrong candidate.



Date and Time

When it comes to interview reminder emails, you can not skip the date and time of the interview, as that is the most important part here. So make sure that your interview reminder email template to be sent has this element.




If you are not the person that the applicant can approach to resolve the doubts, give contact details of the person in charge. So candidates know whom and how to contact and feel free to do so, accounting to a good experience.


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