Festive Letter for Holi | Free Template Download

Download template for Festive Letter for Holi to wish your employees on the occasion.




Holi is one of the biggest festivals in India, it marks the arrival of spring after the winter. Holi spreads joy and happiness to the people as it is celebrated with colours. The festival encourages the spirit of brotherhood in many ways.


Many non-Hindus also like to celebrate with their friends and family,
People like to forget past hard feelings and move forward with their relationships
Those who belong to diverse economic and social backgrounds come together to celebrate it.


Mythological Reason
There are many explanations for the reasons for the celebration of the Holi, but the most popular is related is about the incident between Holika and Pralhad signifying the victory of good over evil against the odds.


It’s important to greet your employees on the occasions of major festivals. The greetings don’t have to be accompanied by some grand gesture like a gift or a bonus, a simple email can be enough. Here are a few tips to help you draft a good Holi greetings email for your employees.


Give a quick single-line intro about the occasion, then you can jump into the celebrations at the workplace. Most companies celebrate Holi with some fun games and team-building activities. If you have organized something similar at your workplace, you can give the details of the event and invite them to participate.


Show your gratitude and appreciation for the work that your employees put in for the company. Holi is a joyous occasion, so make sure to maintain a happy and cheerful tone in the greeting letter. When you close the message always end in a positive tone, preferably giving the employee best wishes and hope for their happy future. It is a good idea to close with the “Happy Holi” phrase to keep that festive and enthusiastic tone consistent throughout the message.



Simply download the template for wishing your employees a happy Holi.

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