Branch Transfer Letter to Employees | Free download

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Branch transfer can make a significant impact on an employee’s career. It involves an employee shifting to a new location, where they might face challenges adjusting to an unfamiliar environment. For example, building relationships with new colleagues demands a lot of patience, time, and effort. Therefore, companies often face resistance from employees during branch transfers. 


A viable solution to this problem is a well-drafted transfer letter by HR that appropriately communicates details regarding accommodation, salary & reporting structure, joining date, perks & benefits, and most importantly, the reason for transfer.


Here are the components of an excellent branch transfer letter.


The reason for branch transfer 

A branch transfer letter explicitly states the reasons for employee transfer to a new location. By transferring an employee to a new branch, a company displays immense trust in their capabilities. Mostly, high-performing employees who have the required qualification and numerous years of experience are chosen to set up a new branch or accelerate the business processes of an existing branch.


Consider the following example

Mergers and acquisitions cause staff rejigging at a massive scale. This long exercise is conducted by the board of directors that restricts real-time information to reach the workforce. As a result, many employees start assuming that they might face difficulties in their careers. Therefore, if the senior management fails to furnish well-grounded reasons for transfer, employees might consider that they aren’t a valuable resource to the company. Conversely, stating a particular reason for transfer might help the organization retain its best performers.


Job profile

Employees relocating to new branches get better job titles and attractive perks & benefits. A better opportunity can be a great motivation to accept the opportunity. Offering emp[loyees a job profile that helps them to go ahead with their financial and career growth can balance the discomfort they are likely to feel in the initial stage of their job at the new branch.


Reporting details

You should provide sufficient time to employees to find appropriate accommodation. Give your employees a reasonable window starting from the day you give them the branch transfer letter to make necessary arrangements and report to the new location. To avoid confusion, you must also briefly mention the person they are supposed to say at their new workplace.


Point of contact

Organisations should understand that the communication doesn’t end at delivering news of transfer to the employee. They might have many doubts and often need help from the organisation for a smoother transition and to get accustomed to the new environment. Therefore, provide them with a local point of contact at the new branch.

You can also include additional information, depending on company policies and situational needs. 



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