
What is Boreout?


A ‘Boreout’ is the boredom that creeps in after performing repetitive tasks at the same company for a longer period. It is especially relevant in modern offices wherein, the employees spend long hours in front of their computer and laptop screens.


The original term ‘Boredom Boreout Syndrome’ was coined in 2007 by Peter Werder and Philippe Rothlin, in their book, ‘Diagnose Boreout’. The term was developed to sound similar to ‘burnout’ due to the similar characteristics of both phenomena.


The consequences of boreout are multifold: both emotionally and physically. An employee experiencing boreout would feel demotivated, depressed or in some cases, even depression. Similarly, this employee might exert himself or herself physically to seem busy in front of superiors, which might lead to dizziness, nausea, etc.

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