Gen Beta

Gen Beta, or Generation Beta, is a term for the upcoming generation of children born between 2025 and 2039. This generation is said to be the successors of “Gen Alpha” (the people born between the year 2010 to 2024). The entire idea of generation naming is speculative and is based on the anticipations of the public in general. However, according to Wikipedia, the term “Gen Beta” was coined by futurist Mark McCrindle. They will be the first generation to live their lives in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While Gen Alpha has been in the transit phase of technological advancements and the implementation of AI, Gen Beta is anticipated to live in the era of AI where their everyday lives will be completely leveraged by technology starting from education, entertainment, and work to healthcare.


Gen Beta is going to be a generation that will grow up with advanced technology such as Robotics, Artificial intelligence (AI), Augmented reality (AU), Virtual reality (VR), etc. They will inherit a world dominated by technological innovations, smart devices, automation, etc that will mostly make them tech-savvy from an early phase of their lives.


Learning and development for Gen Beta will be personalized with AI technologies, AI-driven systems, and virtual classrooms, with less reliance on traditional schooling methods. However, this can raise challenges for the Gen Beta in having face-to-face interactions and gaining real-life experiences.


Also, there are chances of Gen beta possibly witnessing the early adoption of brain-computer interfaces. With the growing awareness of mental health well-being and work-life balance, this generation is anticipated to be the torch holder of prioritizing mental health and building a robust workforce inclusive of emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and empathy. They may also prepare for a workforce that values adaptability, creativity, and roles involving collaboration with AI and other advanced technologies.

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